Ok, so here is the other post I told you about yesterday. Yes, I realize I said I would do this yesterday, but I got busy with other things. Fair warning, this is a LONG post…lol.
So, to start off with, I have been getting my stuff up on Etsy now. My shop has a few items in it so far, but I am also continuously putting items in it. Here’s the link to My Etsy Shop. Check it out and let me know what you think of it. Any and all suggestions will be appreciated and accepted, even if you have a criticism, please, by all means tell me.
Now, If you like the few items I have there, you can go see my Kim’s Jewelry & Crafts page, which has almost all of the jewelry I have made so far on it. I have more that I haven’t put up yet, as I have been working on getting everything transferred from that page to Etsy.
I am also on Pinterest with a lot of interesting boards to follow, like, re-pin from, etc. There is more of a collection of things I like there than anywhere else where I am at on the Internet.
Another place you can find me on the internet is on E-bay, even though right now my page looks bare…lol. I haven’t done anything with my E-bay account recently as far as selling, so it won’t show you anything at all. E-bay is my next challenge on putting my jewelry there to sell. I’m hoping to get something up there in the near future.
For those of you that know me from MyOpera, you will know that I was working on getting my first book published. Well, I now have that in e-book format for the low price of $3.99 USD. You can purchase The Thoughts of an Image Writer at smashwords.com (click the link), or through my home page. The link on my homepage go to The Thoughts of an Image Writer .
Well, that’s my most up to date information I have to share with you all right now. These are the good things happening to me.
I appreciate you taking the time to read this long post. I also appreciate you taking the time to stop by and see what I have to say.
Thanks always