
As I am very new with this setup, its going to take a bit for me to understand how to make my blog posts here.

Any help will be appreciated.


I am here from MyOpera.  It will take some time for all of the MyOpera friends to find this place, but I hope they do and that they come here.

For those of you that don’t know me, I am SqueakeyCat over there and on many places around the net.

I have my own site that has a blog there as well, so I will go between the 2 places when blogging.

I have recently gotten my first e-book sale for my book “The Thoughts of an Image Writer”, and am in the process of working with CreateSpace to finally publish it in print format.  I will make a post about it later on.

As most of my friends on MyOpera knew, I had lost contact with my son for quite some time.  Well, as of the middle of last year, I can say that I have been in constant contact with him via text messages and phone conversations.  We talk on almost a daily basis now.

Its also been a little more than a year now since we (Jaxs and I) took in some feral cats.  There was the mama and her first 2 babies (who at the time we started caring for them were about 5 months old), and then about 4 or 5 months later, she brought us 4 more babies.  As soon as the latest litter was old enough, we got ALL of them spayed/neutered and got them their shots as well.  In October, we lost mama.  She got hit by a car crossing the street.  We still have all 6 of the babies though, and though they started out being outside cats, there are now 2 of them that are inside cats due to unforeseen circumstances.  More on this in another post as well.

We all had a nice Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years, and hope that the coming year will be a good one.

I want to wish all my friends that are here, and the new ones I will make here, a Happy New Year and hope that your coming year is a good one for you and your families.



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